Saturday 3 December 2011

feeling festive

How many more sleeps? We're getting a little excited now.

A couple of months ago my Mum taught my girls how to do marbling. They were hooked, instantly. We have so many sheets of pretty patterns now, I was wondering what on earth to do with them. 

Turns out the marbled paper makes the loveliest snowflakes, to decorate your windows, make cards for your teachers, and I'm sure they will end up on some gift wrap too.

The advent stockings are hanging up, stuffed with crafty supplies, chocolate coins and clues to hunt for things to colour and make. It's all getting very festive, I think I like the build up just as much as the actual day. 

These were todays challenge, a bag of bits each to make a snowman...

Happy days. x


  1. Wow, good work! I'm so behind on all of mine :) x

  2. Oh I so love how creative you are with your kiddywinkles. And what gorgeous creations they make :) Could do with a few of those snowflakes a snowflake costume to make for my youngest's nursery nativity...any suggestions??!! :)x


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