Saturday 1 January 2011

hopes and dreams

Happy New Year!

Last night Mr was working and I had a lazy evening thinking about what I would like this year to bring.

. . .
continued health and happiness

time to appreciate what we have and to live in the moment

to spend more happy time as a family

adventures exploring more of our city

happy days learning at the allotment

hoping I'll love camping

. . .
and practically...

to hoard less

make a wedding dress

start a sketch book

finish one project before starting a new one

tidy up

make more clothes for me & the girls

discover who I am these days

experiment with my cooking

laugh more

love what we have

. . .

Hoping the New Year brings you all you hope and dream for.

Thank you reading my waffle and for taking the time to comment, you have inspired me and re-assured me, it's good to know there are like minded people all over the world. 

Sending you love x


  1. I hope your dreams come true too! Happy New Year, much happiness to you and your family for 2011. Can't wait to read about all your adventures! Lou x

  2. What a great list. I'm with you on the tidy up part! And sure that you will love camping, only weirod's don't. Then again non campers always call us weirdo's!

  3. Hope you have the best of years in 2011! With camping, time on the allotment and lots of sewing, I'm sure it will be a very happy year for you and your family!


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